Sunday, June 29, 2008

To Be Or Not To Be

The title may sound that I am gonna to be philosophical in this blog...
Or is royalsujit confused? Not exactly...

I just want you to ponder over...
You might have thought over this...might have answer to this....
I am putting it here....because I thought, just in case if you have not given a should!

By now, you must be wondering what the hell I am talking about?

It so happened that, few days back, I received one mail....the message was that you should be proud to be an Indian because:
"X% of NASA scientist are Indians. Y% of Microsoft employees are Indians.....". And many other such statistics....Also, it contained glory of Indian History....How India was a great country? How we had eminent personalities...starting from Ayabhatta to Ramanujan...And list was endless....

Yes, I was, am, and will be proud to be an Indian. The question is should I be happy with that? should I be contented with these facts? Have we wondered, in spite of being the second largest population wise many noble laureates we have given to the world? How many field medalists? How many Olympics medals?What if the most of those X% scientist work for ISRO?Why not those we can have an organization which will give the operating system to the world...

We are working for MS...writing codes for them to build OS..and finally we are the ones who will be purchasing it...It has been more than 60 years, after independence...still we are developing country..not a developed one....

Ya, I know there can be questioning/counter questioning to this...Sure....The difference in salaries..kind of working environment people getting in FOREIGN countries....system over there....Many facts are there....and the answers are not simple...After all everybody has his own priorities....

Here I am not for criticizing anybody..I don't want to blame ..nor do I want to praise anybody...

Just I want everybody to mull over "should I be contented with the glorious facts about the India? Or not to be just contented with it..but should contribute in someway that will help the country grow...thrive for better and better India....the Bharat..."

Royal Sujit


  1. hey sujit, good one. While reading was feeling as i was reading my thoughts ;)

  2. Sujit:
    Linkedin put me here....agree all you said. Keep up the good work!
    (Global Gurjar Yahoo Group)

  3. Thanks Arun for reading my blog and ur comments.
