Thursday, November 26, 2009

Vande Mataram!!!

Hello all, 

It has been one year since 26th Novemeber 2008, when India faced a terrorist attack. The brave soldiers fought to rescue innocent people at the cost of their lives. It reminisces me the famous poem sung by Legendary Lata Mangeshkar

ऐ मेरे वतन् के लोगों

तुम् खूब् लगा लो नारा
ये शुभ् दिन् है हम् सब् का
लहरा लो तिरंगा प्यारा
पर् मत् भूलो सीमा पर्
वीरों ने है प्राण् गँवा
कुछ् याद् उन्हें भी कर् लो -२
जो लौट् के घर् न आये -२

ऐ मेरे वतन् के लोगों
ज़रा आँख् में भर् लो पानी
जो शहीद् हु हैं उनकी
ज़रा याद् करो क़ुरबानी

for whole poem: 
youtube of it: 

The following thing is from an email received today:
(Instead of Forwarding, I preferred to put it here)


Let us all come together and stand for a 2 minute silence 
on 26.11.09 at 9.00PM wherever you are.

Vande Mataram
Royal Sujit

India is Rising, be proud to be an Indian

Hello world,

I am proud to share the following two news with you all. President of India, Pratibha Patil has created history. She is the first woman president to fly in fighter plane.

Though it is not mentioned in the news on times of India, its not just that she flew in fighter plane, she also took control of it for a while.

Other important story: The USA is recognising the power of India. President Obama, using hindi words in white house, 'Swagat' , 'Namaste'.

The white house celebrated Diwali and Guru Nanak Jaynati this year.

Jai Hind!!!

Royal Sujit

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Royal Sujit Launches New Blog

Hello all,

Its era of computers, people are becoming more and more internet savy....academia is not exceptional...These days many eminent professors are maintaining their blogs. e.g. Field Medallist Terrance Tao, Paul Goldberg, Noam Nisan...the list is endless...

Royal Sujit is not doing anything...he launched his I am what I am blog long time ago...expecting to be active..but still not much activity....Royal Sujit has now decided to come out of lethargic state and be active....
so he is now set to launch new blogs. Let him maintain his blogs which are technical and talks about research.....What will he write there?

the papers he is reading?the conf deadlines?any technical articles?...all the above....

But who will be reading all these stuff where dada lok (big shots) are already doing all such things...Then y one wud come and visit royal sujit's blog?obviously not... royal sujit should care about this?NOT at all....y should he blog then?He should write for himself...He is king in his own small he is not worried about people reading his blog or no...he will be writing for himself...and by any chance, if somebody lands on his blog, and finds useful, its bonus right?

So finally Royal Sujit is launching the new blog...About the areas in which he is currently doing research...That is econ-cs...sounds interesting na?If you find my blog useful do definitely help me in posts over there....
